Length= 80 CM
Depth= 30 CM
Height = 40 CM
Pure Glass Tank, No Acrylic.
Accessories with this Fish Tank:
1. LED Light 80 CM
2. Canister Filter
3. Auto-Feeder
4. Live Plants (2 Anubis plants, Many Java Fern) - Big Plants.
5. Driftwood
6. Rocks/ Decor
7. Sponge Filter
8. Cabinet/ Table Stand
Fish in Aquarium#1:
Rainbow Fish
Green Neon tetras
Aquarium# 1 Price: 65 KD
Aquarium# 2:
1. Fish Tank with Hood.
2. Sponge Filter
3. Cabinet Stand
4. Air Pump
5. Sand
6. Rocks
7. Live Plants
Aquarium# 2 Price: 30 KD